Health & Safety

The health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, contractors and host communities is paramount.
It is the foundation upon which we build our values, culture, and success and is embedded in every facet of our organisation. We continuously strive to improve and advance our health and safety systems through employee engagement, industry benchmarking, and the highest standards and performance.
Our safety performance and culture is aligned to our core values to achieve workforce health, safety, hygiene and wellbeing. Every person is essential in supporting, embracing and promoting our safety performance and culture across the business.
Our governance framework, supporting systems and our risk management process are aligned to the International Standard for Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines ISO 31000 (2009).
We drive safety leadership at all levels by requiring all levels of our workforce to be actively engaged in the safety of themselves and their colleagues, and we regularly measure and report the outcomes.
We report annually on our health and safety performance in our Sustainability Report.
Policies and standards
Our Health and Safety Policy outlines our commitment to protect and promote the safety, and occupational health of our workforce (employees and contractors) and local communities.
Operational Safety
Continuing to improve our health and safety performance is always a priority and we strive to create a mindset in which every employee believes that an incident and injury-free workplace is achievable.
Management of workplace hazards through the implementation of hard controls and effective training and education are critical to supporting this positive mindset and underpin the principle that all incidents and injuries are preventable.
More information about how we implement occupation safety is available in our Safety Performance Standards Manual.
Health and wellbeing
We care about creating an environment where the health and wellbeing of our workforce is monitored and reviewed proactively as part of the operational management process and have implemented a global system for reporting and tracking both occupational health exposures and the effectiveness of controls at all our operations.
The system enables us to apply a consistent, best practice approach across our operations enabling us to eliminate harmful workplace exposures and potential chronic illnesses.
More information about how we implement health and wellbeing is available in our Health Performance Standards Manual.