Our Approach

OceanaGold is committed to responsible environmental management across all our business activities.
This encompasses the conservation of designated protected areas, sharing information and practices on biodiversity management, and supporting, developing, and implementing inclusive and transparent procedures for integrated land use.
Our Environment Policy is supported by six Statements of Position that detail how we manage our environmental material risk areas of water, closure, biodiversity, cyanide, tailings management and energy and greenhouse gas.
- Water management
- Closure and rehabilitation management
- Biodiversity management
- Tailings storage facility management
- Cyanide management
- Climate change, energy use and greenhouse gas
These Statements of Position publicly commit OceanaGold to specific actions and review in each area and align our standards to the International Council on Mining and Metals, World Gold Council and International Finance Corporation requirements.
We comply with the environmental laws of all host countries and go beyond these to implement company-wide environmental processes that are consistent with internationally accepted standards and conventions.
Our environmental standards are audited annually on a rotating basis. This provides a consistent approach to environmental management across our operations and drives continual learnings and improvement. Furthermore, each operation has environmental management plans in place to address key environmental risk areas and these are reviewed annually.