Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

47 v. A description of any secondary or tertiary grouting or alternative mitigation implemented during stoping to control the ingress of groundwater; and vi. An analysis of the effectiveness of the grouting or other mitigation over the previous two-month period and any proposed amendments which should be made to the Mine Area Groundwater Management Strategy and in turn to groundwater management practices to ensure continuing compliance with Condition 5. b. At the request of the consent holder, the Consent Authority may agree in writing to a less frequent reporting obligation than specified in Condition 17(a). When considering a less frequent reporting obligation the Consent Authority shall take advice from the Expert Groundwater Management Panel. Mine Area Compliance Monitoring and Reporting 18 Should a surface flow alert level specified in the certified Mine Area Groundwater Management and Monitoring Strategy be triggered, the Consent Holder shall commission a suitably qualified and experienced professional approved by the Consent Authority to investigate and provide a report on whether Condition 5 continues to be met. In preparing this report the author shall, as a minimum: a. Check the flow gauging in a similar nearby catchment for evidence of similar flow patterns, and potential climatic drivers of the observed data; b. Check the data for accuracy and inconsistencies; and c. Arrange for visual inspection of the recording devices to ensure they are measuring accurately; and if the report author is not able to confirm from that analysis that the exceedance was a result of a natural event, all of the following: d. Re-analyse historical baseline data for evidence of similar flow patterns, and potential climatic drivers of the observed data; e. Conduct an out of cycle manual flow gauging event to ensure calibration of flow curves is up to date and the WBM is accurate within its predicted limits; f. Analyse data collected by shallow piezometers; and g. Undertake visual inspection and gauging at other locations – with particular focus on known groundwater seeps/springs.