Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

154 the following documentation to the Waikato Regional Council prior to commencement of the construction works: a. Building Consent Certificate b. Approved Detailed Design Report c. Approved Construction Drawings d. Approved Specification All subsequent amendments to the design shall be supplied to the Waikato Regional Council prior to implementation. dam in the NZDSG (Ref. 99). If the dam is a Medium PIC it will require Intermediate Dam Safety Reviews to be undertaken. The Collection Pond requires both resource consent and building consent. 11 All construction works shall be implemented under the supervision of persons with appropriate and documented experience in the supervision of civil engineering construction works. 12 The Consent Holder shall be responsible for the structural integrity and maintenance of the works associated with the exercise of these consents and for any erosion control and energy dissipation works which become necessary as a consequence of the exercise of these consents. 13 On completion of the construction works the Consent Holder shall supply written confirmation to the Waikato Regional Council and the Peer Review Panel stating that the Northern Rock Stack Collection Pond has been constructed in accordance with the design referred to in Condition 10. Thereafter, the facility shall be inspected by a registered engineer on an annual basis, and a written report on the inspection provided to the Peer Review Panel and copied to Waikato Regional Council within one month of completion of the inspection. 14 Apart from exceptional circumstances, maintenance and desilting of the Northern Rock Stack Collection Ponds shall only occur during periods of projected fine weather. All silt for removal shall be disposed of to a tailings storage facility. 15 No chemicals or additives shall be used in Northern Rock Stack Collection Pond or the discharge from the pond without the prior written approval of the Waikato Regional Council. Discharges and Monitoring 16 Excluding direct discharges provided for by Condition 7(e) the Consent Holder shall monitor the discharge from the Northern Rock Stack Collection Pond during any overflow event. Monitoring shall comprise the parameters described in Table 1: Table 1 – Northern Rock Stack Collection Pond Overflow Monitoring Parameters pH Conductivity Suspended solids