Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

153 6 Except as provided for by Condition 7 for 72 hour duration rainfall events with a return period less than or equal to ten years, all stormwater reporting to the North Rock Stack Collection shall be pumped to the Water Treatment Plant for treatment. 7 If the Consent Holder can demonstrate that the quality of water entering the Northern Rock Stack Collection Pond is of a quality such that on a continuous basis the effects of the discharge from this pond after mixing: a. Meets or is better than the receiving water criteria defined in Condition G33; b. Is capable of remaining so on an ongoing basis; and, c In combination with all other discharges authorised for this site, shall not cause a significant adverse effect on the receiving ground water and surface water, or on users of these resources, or, in the case of surface water, aquatic biota, then the Consent Holder may seek the approval of the Waikato Regional Council to discharge directly from the pond. If that approval is given: d. The Consent Holder shall continuously monitor pH and suspended solids in the pond; and e. For rainfall events less than or equal to the 2-year return period, the Consent Holder may direct discharges from the pond provided the continuous monitoring shows the water: i. has a suspended solids concentration of no greater than 100 g/m3; and ii. has a pH within the range of 6.0-9.0 pH units. 8 The Northern Rock Stack Collection Pond shall be provided with a spillway to the Ohinemuri River that is designed to prevent downcutting through the channel floor. 9 The Consent Holder shall ensure that the Northern Rock Stack Collection Pond is: a. Constructed from, or lined with, materials which provide for secure long term containment; and b. Constructed using materials which have no acid forming potential; and c. Lined with 1.5mm HDPE (or other similar synthetic liner approved by the Waikato Regional Council) to a height of 1.5m from the base, and with a 0.5m protective cover layer. 10 The Consent Holder shall obtain building consent for the Northern Rock Stack Collection Ponds under the Building Act 2004 and supply at least The NRS Collection Pond that is likely to fit the criteria of a large