Supporting Technical Assessments

74 Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 Effect Feature Ecological value Magnitude of effect Level of effect without Management Level of effect with management and helicopter activity Lizard populations High Low Low Low Bat populations Very Low Negligible Very Low Very Low Bird populations High Negligible Low Very Low Continuous Noise from Ventilation Raise Invertebrate populations High Low Low Low Frog populations High Negligible Low Low Lizard populations High Low Low Low Bat populations Very Low Negligible Very Low Very Low Bird populations High Low Low Low Discharges to Air from Ventilation Raise Coromandel Forest Park fauna High Low Low Low (residual risk) Pest influx during construction Coromandel Forest Park fauna Very Low - High Negligible Very Low Very Low Coromandel Forest Park – Long-term Effects Episodic Vibration from Underground Blasting Coromandel Forest Park invertebrates High Low High Low Coromandel Forest Park frogs High Low High Low (residual risk) Coromandel Forest Park lizards High Low High Low Coromandel Forest Park bats Very Low Negligible High Very Low