Supporting Technical Assessments

Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 73 Table 13: Summary of the level of effect for terrestrial vegetation, habitats, and species. Level of effect is provided with the management / avoidance / offset measures described in Sections 6.3 – 6.5. Effect Feature Ecological value Magnitude of effect Level of effect without Management Level of effect with management Willows Road Farm Vegetation clearance, habitat loss Willows Road Farm vegetation and habitats Low Negligible Low Very Low Willows Road Farm fauna Low Negligible Low Very Low Construction noise Willows Road Farm fauna Low Negligible Low Very Low Discharges to Air Willows Road Farm fauna Low Negligible Low Very Low Coromandel Forest Park near Willows Road Farm Low - Very High Negligible Low Very Low - Low Vegetation clearance, habitat loss for trench Trench footprint vegetation and habitats Negligible Negligible Very Low Very Low Coromandel Forest Park – Localised effects Vegetation and habitat loss for duration of mining Vegetation Very High (new sites) Low (reused sites) Low Very High Moderate Fauna habitats Very High – Very Low Negligible Very High Very Low Episodic noise from construction Invertebrate populations High Negligible Very Low Very Low Frog populations High Negligible Very Low Very Low