Supporting Technical Assessments

11 walkway and belt run parallel to each other. It may be sometime before any surface alterations could or would be noticed. Any surface movement of plant or machinery would however require the walks to be temporarily closed while this is undertaken. Historical mining on Union Hill is such that does present problems which range from open shafts, rises to surface and tunnelling as well as the Kilns which are accessible both from the surface and underground. All openings require to be signed and wherever possible grilled to prevent access. Not far from the present vent fan is both the Chappell Shaft as well as the twin portals of the (old) Trio Mine. Both are beside the access road and are open and accessible to the public. These should be fenced off and warning signage placed Signage. The proposed signage is good provided that when they are installed they are visible. They will give the public both an interpretation of the features as well as safety warnings. These will unfortunately at some time suffer vandalism like most signs in the public arena; Either by graffiti or being taken to by any object that can cause damage. This will require regular inspections as to their condition. It is noted that even on the Old Mill Stream walk one of their signs has been damaged already. The Department of Conservation signs at the Victoria Battery from time to time become either defaced or completely removed and at Karangahake the same destructive forces are at work. An example of a D.o.C. sign at Karangahake showing complete removal of information