Supporting Technical Assessments

4 Several adits and rises can be found scattered over the hill along with what was known as the New Union shaft. (No 2 shaft). Towards the bottom of the hill there is a large steel tank which is out of context. This tank was originally used by Mineral Resources as a settling tank when they were washing clay-laden ore from Martha Hill. It was shifted to its present position due to it being sited on the route of the conveyor belt. With these features reasonably accessible walking tracks can be established which would give the public access to the historic features of Union Hill. Some tracks already exist and there are one or two road-ways for Newmont Waihi vehicles to access their plant on the Hill. With a little modification, tracks of a good standard could be placed with signage both interpretative and warning the public of what is to be seen. Site of the Waihi Company’s Battery, Union Hill. 2012. Photo E. T. Coppard. .