Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 56 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES, CONTINUED Research, continued  Information recovered from these investigations should be used to inform future management, conservation and interpretation of the heritage remains.  Further archaeological investigation at the battery site should be part of any future conservation project in this area (see Remedial Work).  Plans of the heritage remains (see Appendix A) should be amended in the light of any new information recovered through archaeological investigation.  Additional historic research by local historians should be encouraged and supported to add to existing knowledge of the heritage remains and industrial processes carried out on Union Hill, and their wider historical context.  WGCL should maintain an archive containing all records relating to heritage assessment and recording, conservation planning, archaeological investigations, historical research, condition monitoring and remedial work undertaken on its land at Union Hill.  Copies of all archaeological and historical reports relating to the Union Hill remains should be deposited in the Waihi museum and library and the HDC Paeroa office for public reference.  The local community should be kept informed of any archaeological investigations carried out and where possible given the opportunity to participate.