Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 55 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES, CONTINUED Research Objective: 1. To improve knowledge and appreciation of the Union Hill heritage remains. Relevant Conservation Plan policy Policy 6: Provide opportunities for involvement of the local community in conservation of the historic heritage, and education and research Implementation While a great deal is known of the history of Union Hill and its surviving industrial remains, as set out in the Heritage Assessment (Clough, Best & Hooker 2004) and the Conservation Plan (Moore, Lens & Ordish 2010), the full extent of the surviving remains has not been confirmed. Bulldozing by Mineral Resources in the 1970s-1980s has destroyed many of the original remains, but some elements are likely to remain buried under rubble, tailings and soil, and concealed by vegetation growth. Archaeological investigation should be carried out where the opportunity arises, and should be focused primarily on exposing/recovering and mapping any buried or obscured remains, adding to knowledge of the heritage structures and industrial processes, and providing information to assist in their future protection and management. Any investigations that may affect pre-1900 features or deposits require an archaeological authority from Heritage NZ. Archaeological monitoring of the installation of the Trio vent shaft has already been undertaken, and archaeological monitoring and investigation as part of the development of the walkways under Authority No. 2012/542 have been completed. An additional authority for the stage 2 walkway works is likely to be required. The following recommendations are made:  The effects of the proposed stage 2 walkway works on archaeological values should be assessed by an archaeologist.  If it is established that proposed works (operational, or related to walkway construction) have the potential to disturb or expose pre-1900 archaeological remains, an archaeological authority must be obtained from Heritage NZ and the opportunity should be taken to investigate, record and protect the remains. Continued on next page