Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 53 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES, CONTINUED Visitor s and Local Community, continued  Access to the refinery safe is not currently provided for and it is overgrown and difficult to find. Access from the stage 2 walkway should be provided, with a minor path around the structure allowing access to the southern (lower) end with the arch, and to the upper northern end allowing a view into the interior. An interpretation sign should be installed near the structure.  The machine foundations beside the New No. 1 shaft are not currently accessible and are partially fenced off. However, this area is of considerable interest, with in situ machinery and good potential for interpretation. The shaft itself is and should continue to be fenced off, but access to the foundations should be provided by creating a minor path from the upper vehicle track and stage 2 walkway and the unnecessary fencing to the west of the remains should be removed. An interpretation sign should be installed near the access point to the foundations.  Consideration should be given to providing viewing access to and interpretation of the smoke chamber on the northern side of the conveyor, though the structure itself should be kept fenced off until it can be made structurally safe.  Displaced machine parts such as the ore lifting cage should be moved (unless they are too fragile) and placed in locations within or near the structures to which they relate, where they can be viewed by visitors but are not accessible to them (and are more accessible for protective maintenance – see Maintenance).  As part of the annual condition monitoring of the heritage structures, any adverse effects on heritage structures from visitor use (e.g. vandalism or damage from informal access) should be identified and addressed.  Unsightly intrusive elements such as the orange mesh near the strongroom should be removed and if necessary replaced with a tidier fence or barrier, and aesthetic improvements to existing safety fencing around heritage structures should also be considered.  A management committee made up of WGCL and relevant stakeholders, as recommended in the conservation plan, should be established, with collective responsibility for the management of the heritage remains and visitor facilities throughout Union Hill (subject to the statutory obligations of WGCL and other landowners). Continued on next page