Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 51 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES, CONTINUED Visitors and Local Community, continued Community Involvement: The Union Hill remains have heritage and amenity value and tourism potential and are an asset for the Waihi community. The walkway concept was developed by the Vision Waihi Trust (VWT) and the local community, and will be implemented by the VWT on behalf of the community. The continued involvement of the VWT and other community groups in both visitor management and protection and preservation of the heritage remains through a management committee made up of WGCL and the key stakeholders (see Introduction) is highly recommended. It should be noted that priority is often given to community-generated heritage projects by grant giving bodies. The following recommendations are made:  The heritage structures should be kept as visible and accessible as possible, taking public safety and heritage protection requirements into account.  When constructing new walkways and viewing points and installing signage, damage to heritage structures and archaeological deposits should be avoided.  Hazards to visitors identified in the safety assessment (Appendix B) should be addressed.  All mineshafts should be kept fenced off with appropriate warning signage.  Entry to adits with a risk of tunnel collapse should be prevented and appropriate warning signage installed. Adit entrances, however, should be kept visible, with any existing portal timbers maintained, and where possible gates or grilles installed within the entrance.  Existing non-specific safety signage (e.g. ‘multiple hazards’) should be replaced with more informative signs identifying the specific hazard(s) in each case.  Vehicle tracks and walkways should be well maintained and signposted.  Interpretation signage should be provided at entrance and exit points and at all key structures, to explain the function, history and significance of the remains.  The design of interpretation, information and directional signage should be relatively unobtrusive, complement rather than compete with the heritage remains and be consistent across Union Hill, while safety and heritage protection signage should be clearly visible at all locations where hazards are present and remains are vulnerable to damage by visitors. Continued on next page