Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 49 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES, CONTINUED Visitors and Local Community Objectives 1. To provide public access to and information about the heritage structures, as part of a Union Hill visitor experience and in order to increase public awareness of and support for the protection and preservation of the remains. 2. To ensure the safety of visitors to the heritage remains 3. To ensure that the heritage remains are not adversely affected by visitors. 4. To provide opportunities for community involvement in the protection and management of the remains. Relevant Conservation Plan policy Policy 3: Ensure that the future use of Union Hill is compatible with its heritage value and the status of its historic remains. Policy 6: Provide opportunities for involvement of the local community in conservation of the historic heritage, and education and research. Implementation The purpose of conserving heritage remains is recognised as being to maintain and reveal their intrinsic values, to provide for their appreciation and recreational enjoyment by the public, and to preserve them in the interests of present and future generations (Conservation Act 1987; ICOMOS Charter 2010). It is also recognised that the conservation of heritage places is facilitated by their serving a useful purpose (ICOMOS Charter 2010). Creating a visitor experience at Union Hill by providing public access to and interpretation of the heritage remains, as currently planned, is eminently compatible with their heritage significance, and will improve public awareness of the significance of the remains and the need to conserve them. Resource consent for stage 1 of the proposed walkway and signage work has been granted and the works have been partly completed. The route of the stage 1 walkway is shown in Figure 5. The track runs from the Barry Road entrance along the lower vehicle track and continues on to Clarke Street, with a loop track through the cyanide tanks and past associated structures, into the area of the former vathouse and mill, running between the tube mill foundations and the concrete tanks and Old No. 1 Shaft, before rejoining the lower walking track. Archaeological monitoring and investigations were carried out during the installation of the loop track to ensure that there were no impacts on in situ heritage features. Continued on next page