Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 46 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES, CONTINUED Table 4. Remedial work priorities Structure Remedial Work Priority Level Battery foundations Removal of trees growing on structure Urgent Repairs to tube mill floor Moderately urgent Repairs to engine house foundations Moderately urgent Stabilisation of chute and other unstable elements Moderately urgent Archaeological investigations Desirable Ore Kilns Removal of trees growing on structure Urgent Installation of bracing within tunnels Desirable Cyanide tanks Removal of pines with potential to fall on structure Moderately urgent Investigate ways to prevent water accumulating within tanks Desirable Smoke Chamber Installation of internal bracing/props Moderately urgent Removal of large pine adjacent to structure Moderately urgent Repair cracks and internal wall Moderately urgent Displaced strongroom Restore to original position to assess and address condition of interior Desirable General Bracing/supporting of any structures identified through annual condition monitoring as being at risk, as a temporary measure Urgent Removal of large trees in the vicinity of structures which have the potential to fall and damage them Moderately urgent Removal of large trees whose root systems are destabilising structures Urgent Continued on next page