Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 44 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES, CONTINUED Remedial Work, continued  Removal of bulldozed rubble and soil build up on and around the battery foundations under the direction of a qualified archaeologist to expose, investigate and protect areas that are currently obscured or inaccessible for protective treatment, recover any significant displaced machinery or other elements, and add to information about the battery remains.  Funding to undertake the remedial work should be sought and the work carried out as soon as possible.  Resource consent and an archaeological authority will be required before the work can be carried out.  The structural repairs should be carried out by appropriately qualified tradespeople with experience of similar heritage projects, under the direction of the conservation architect. Ore kilns  The large trees growing on the kilns should be carefully removed by a qualified arborist using methods that cause no further damage to the fragile structures, and the root systems should be left undisturbed. Helicopter assistance may be required.  Consideration should be given to installing timber bracing within the tunnels for support, and possible viewing access (see Visitors and Local Community). Cyanide tanks  A number of tall pine trees (c.5) located to the east of the cyanide tank should be carefully removed by a qualified arborist using methods that avoid damaging the tanks and other heritage structures in the vicinity, as they have the potential to fall and damage the tanks.  Solutions to the issue of water accumulating within the tanks and gradually seeping through the concrete should be investigated and implemented, subject to consultation with and the approval of Heritage NZ and Council. Solutions could include restoring function to existing valves, inserting new valves or installing covers. Continued on next page