Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 43 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES, CONTINUED Remedial Work Objective 1. To preserve significant heritage remains that are structurally unsound or under threat. Relevant Conservation Plan policy Policy 2: Protect and preserve historic features as far as possible in their present condition, with minimal intervention Policy 4: Ensure the protection and preservation of historic features by the removal or mitigation of identified threats Policy 5: Ensure the protection and preservation of the battery site Implementation More extensive remedial work (in addition to regular maintenance) is required to ensure the structural integrity of some of the heritage structures, notably the battery and ore kilns. This includes the removal of large well established trees whose root systems are causing damage to structures, or which could fall onto significant heritage structures in the future. It is recognised that the costs of much of this work will be high, and beyond the available resources of WGCL or a future management committee, and it is recommended that funding is sought from appropriate grant-giving organizations on behalf of the Waihi community. The following remedial work is recommended: The battery foundations  The large trees growing on the foundations should be carefully removed by a qualified arborist or logging contractor using methods that cause no further damage to the structures.  A remedial work specification should be commissioned from a conservation architect, with input from a qualified archaeologist, an engineer if necessary, and consultation with Heritage NZ, HDC and the local community. The specification should include provision for:  Reassembly/reinstatement/repair of the collapsed southern section of the tube mill floor.  Reassembly/reinstatement of the collapsed sections of the engine house foundations/walls.  Stabilisation of the concrete shute and other unstable elements, including timber bracing where necessary. Continued on next page