Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 42 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan Feature Maintenance Task Frequency Melt house safe Control exotic and native vegetation growth on structure through spraying and cutting, not pulling Annually* Remove any immature deep rooting tree species (exotic or native) growing within c.5m Annually* Smoke chamber Control exotic and native vegetation growth on structure through spraying and cutting, not pulling Annually* Remove any immature deep rooting tree species (exotic or native) growing within c.5m Annually* Apply corrosion protection coating to in situ metal elements As recommended for product used Displaced strongroom Control exotic and native vegetation growth on structure through spraying and cutting, not pulling Annually* Remove any immature deep rooting tree species (exotic or native) growing within c.5m Annually* Refinery safe Cut up and remove tree that has fallen onto the structure n/a* Control exotic and native vegetation growth on structure through spraying and cutting, not pulling Annually* Remove any immature deep rooting tree species (exotic or native) growing within c.5m Annually* Apply corrosion protection coating to in situ metal elements As recommended for product used Apply timber preservative to in situ timber elements As recommended for product used Mineral Resources crusher foundations Control exotic and native vegetation growth on structure through spraying and cutting, not pulling Annually* Remove any immature deep rooting tree species (exotic or native) growing within c.5m Annually* Old No. 1 shaft Control exotic and native vegetation growth through spraying and cutting (where accessible), not pulling Annually* Remove any immature deep rooting tree species (exotic or native) growing within c.5m Annually* Apply timber preservative to in situ timber elements (using spray where access is unsafe) As recommended for product used New No. 1 shaft Control exotic and native vegetation growth on concrete structures through spraying and cutting, not pulling Annually* Remove any immature deep rooting tree species (exotic or native) growing within c.5m of concrete structures or shaft Annually* Apply corrosion protection coating to in situ and displaced metal elements As recommended for product used Fenced off shafts and adits Inspect safety fences and repair if necessary Annually Remove any immature deep rooting tree species (exotic or native) growing within c.5m of shafts and adit entrances As recommended for product used Apply timber preservative to in situ timber elements As recommended for product used Displaced machinery Apply corrosion protection coating As recommended for product used All listed structures Inspect condition, keep photographic record, identify any threats to/increased deterioration of structure. Identify any necessary stabilisation/remedial work. Annually Continued on next page