Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 41 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan Table 3. Recommended maintenance programme. Note: asterisks indicate work that WCGL has agreed to undertake as part of an annual maintenance programme Feature Maintenance Task Frequency Battery foundations Control exotic and native vegetation growth on all structures (including those fenced off) through spraying and cutting (not pulling), in particular on S masonry wall of stamper battery Annually (6 monthly if required)* Remove any immature deep rooting tree species (exotic or native) growing within c.5m of heritage structures Annually* Apply corrosion protection coating to in situ metal elements and displaced machine parts As recommended for product used Apply timber preservative to in situ timber elements As recommended for product used Kilns Control exotic and native vegetation growth on kiln structures through spraying and cutting (where accessible), not pulling. Annually* Remove any immature deep rooting tree species (exotic or native) growing within c.5m of heritage structures Annually* Apply corrosion protection coating to in situ metal elements (tram rails) and displaced machine parts (bogey wheels) As recommended for product used Apply timber preservative to in situ timber elements As recommended for product used Cyanide tanks Control exotic and native vegetation growth within tanks structures through spraying Annually* Remove any immature deep rooting tree species (exotic or native) growing within c.5m of heritage structures Annually* Apply corrosion protection coating to in situ metal elements (including exposed reinforcing) As recommended for product used Structure 1 and associated structures Control exotic and native vegetation growth on all structures, in particular on roof of Structure 1, through spraying and cutting (not pulling) Annually* Remove any immature deep rooting tree species (exotic or native) growing within c.5m of heritage structures Annually* Apply corrosion protection coating to in situ metal elements (in particular within Structure 1) As recommended for product used Apply timber preservative to in situ timber elements (in particular within Structure 1) As recommended for product used Structure 2 Remove soil build-up and vegetation within structure Annually Remove any immature deep rooting tree species (exotic or native) growing within c.5m Annually* Apply corrosion protection coating to in situ metal elements/lining As recommended for product used Strongroom Control exotic and native vegetation growth on structure through spraying and cutting, not pulling Annually* Remove any immature deep rooting tree species (exotic or native) growing within c.5m Annually* Apply corrosion protection coating to in situ metal elements (including exposed reinforcing) As recommended for product used