Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 40 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES, CONTINUED Maintenance, continued  Displaced machinery such as the ore lifting cage should be moved (unless it is too fragile) and placed in appropriate locations within or near the structures to which it relates, where it can be protected, is more accessible for regular treatment and can be viewed by (but is not accessible to) the public (see Visitors and Local Community). If an appropriate location cannot be found consideration should be given to placing it in the Waihi Museum.  The life of in situ timber elements should be prolonged by treatment with a timber preservative such as zinc napthenate.  Safety fencing around shafts and hazardous structures should be regularly monitored and kept in good repair (see Visitors and Local Community).  Lockable gate access should be provided for maintenance purposes to the fenced off Old No. 1 Shaft and concrete tanks at the battery site, and to other fenced off shafts.  Annual condition inspections of all structures listed in Table 3 should be made, and a photographic record kept. This would require the assistance of an archaeologist or other heritage professional.  Any threats to/increased deterioration of the structure should be identified so that stabilisation/repair work can be undertaken if necessary (see Remedial Work). Any significant repairs will require resource consent and, if repairs are to pre-1900 structures, an archaeological authority). Continued on next page