Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 38 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES, CONTINUED WGCL Operations, continued  If it is determined that the proposed work has the potential to impact on pre-1900 archaeological remains, Heritage NZ must be consulted and an archaeological authority obtained prior to the start of works.  If suspected archaeological remains relating to either early European or Maori settlement are exposed by WGCL’s activities, and no archaeological authority has been obtained, work must be halted in the immediate vicinity and the appropriate organisations notified in accordance with WGCL’s ‘Archaeological Find’ standard operating procedure.  If the proposed activity is within the scheduled Union Hill (Waihi Battery) Historic Area and involves construction of a building or structure (including network utility structures), new tracks or roadways, fences (except for safety or heritage protection purposes), or earthworks, prospecting and exploration, a resource consent must be obtained. The construction of new buildings should be avoided.  WGCL must ensure that all the conditions of resource consents currently issued to it (RC15774 Trio Mine Consents and RC 202.2012.00000109.001 Walkway and Signage Consents) and any future consents obtained are complied with. When work is carried out by other parties under resource consents issued to WGCL, WGCL is responsible for ensuring that the conditions are complied with. (See Statutory Requirements, above).  WGCL must ensure that all the conditions of archaeological authorities issued to it are complied with. When work is carried out by other parties under authorities issued to WGCL, WGCL is responsible for ensuring that the conditions are complied with. (See Statutory Requirements, above). Continued on next page