Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 37 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES, CONTINUED WGCL Operations Objectives 1. To take all reasonable measures to ensure that WGCL’s operations do not adversely affect the heritage remains on Union Hill. 2. To ensure that all statutory requirements are complied with. Implementation WGCL’s main responsibility is to ensure that its mining operations avoid or minimise any adverse effects on the heritage remains. The following procedures should be followed to ensure the protection of the remains:  The stability of the scheduled cyanide tanks, ore kilns, open cut mine area and the masonry wall of the battery must be monitored for the duration of the Trio underground mining operation, in accordance with the approved monitoring plan and resource consent conditions.  If the stability of the cyanide tanks, ore kilns or masonry wall of the battery is determined to be adversely affected as a result of the Trio underground mining operation, blasting will if necessary be halted until engineering advice has been obtained, a qualified archaeologist and conservation architect consulted, and appropriate remedial action taken to ensure the protection and preservation of the heritage remains.  WGCL must consult Heritage NZ and (with the exception of minor works as defined in the Hauraki District Plan) obtain resource consent for any remedial work carried out on the cyanide tanks (excluding any propping and support of the structures that might be required as an urgent temporary measure to prevent collapse while consent is being obtained).  WGCL must obtain an archaeological authority from Heritage NZ for all remedial work and a resource consent for any major remedial work carried out on the ore kilns or battery structures (excluding any propping and support of the structures that might be required as an urgent temporary measure to prevent collapse while consent is being obtained).  Any remedial work carried out should be supervised by a qualified archaeologist or conservation architect, as appropriate.  An assessment by a qualified archaeologist should be obtained for any planned surface works involving ground disturbance (including tree planting) to determine whether the proposed activity will affect any archaeological features or deposits (this does not apply to resurfacing of existing tracks where no excavation is involved). Continued on next page