Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 35 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan potential for subsurface remains, two on W side of Mill Stream, one SW of New No. 1 shaft (general locations in CP, Figure 75) WGCL /DOC Machinery In situ machinery: (1) at New No. 1 Shaft (see right, above); (2) on Battery foundations; (3) cast iron tub on E bank of Mill Stream to S of Cascades, 1.4m x 0.64m x 0.25m deep, bolted to concrete foundation (CP, Figures 75, 78) Displaced machinery including: (1) ore lift cage immediately SE of battery foundations below middle vehicle track (see right, below); (2) two sections of cast iron pump pipes c.40+m N of New No. 1 shaft, 3.15m x 0.4m int. diam and 2.75m x 0.33 int. diam. (CP, Figures 75, 77). (2004 photos)