Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 34 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan of pink tailings, and surviving bunds of lower 2 ponds; associated with cut-off drains on W side of ponds (CP, Figure 68) Mineral Resources tailing ponds: 3 main areas within WGCL land, around and to south of Battery foundations (CP, Figure 68) Former tramways: in addition to the Silverton and Incline tramways (above), benching and displaced rails indicate the route of the upper battery tramway between the kilns and boiler house; and part of the route of tramways between Martha mine and the kilns is still evident (CP, Figure 33) Former roads: including a section of old road from Speaks Quarry (HDC land) into WGCL land; a section of road in front and E of Amaranth adit portals (CP, Figure 75) Site of Cassel cyanide plant: historically recorded near S boundary of WGCL and DOC land, but no visible remains; some mullock dumping on site; potential for subsurface remains (CP, Figure 68) Speak’s Quarry and explosives magazine: early quarry, probable source of stone for Battery structures; explosives magazine near S end of quarry excavated into rock bank c.0.7m x 1.1m deep x at least 1.6m high, with curved ceiling, door and shelf indications; HDC land (CP, Figure 75) House sites: potential locations of historically recorded workers houses, but