Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 32 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan expected LINZ Nil Desperandum shaft N of conveyor tunnel c.45m NW of Mascotte shaft; visible collapsed or infilled shaft visible only as small depression; associated mullock dump c.9m long Collapsed/infilled; continuing minor subsidence; not reinspected in 2012 LINZ Mascotte west shaft Recorded immediately west of Nil Desperandum shaft, but no visible evidence Unknown WGCL /LINZ Low level water race Originally from Ohinemuri R. to Battery, sections of race still evident along SE boundary of LINZ land and in S area of WGCL land; sections of stone retaining wall built of quartz blocks near SE boundary at Silverton tramway crossing, largest section being 20m long and up to 1.2m high; original dimensions 3ft6in wide at base, 9ft wide at top, 2ft9in deep . Has been infilled in S (former Keatley) block. Archaeological site T13/817 Generally well preserved, but parts infilled by slumping and erosion, especially in northern section and former Keatley block. (2004 photo) LINZ/ WGCL Silverton tramway Well defined section of route S of conveyor along SE boundary of LINZ block; 2-2.5m wide, cuttings on both sides in places, up to 1.8m high; crosses low level water race; route is evident as a linear trench N of conveyor in WGCL land. Archaeological site T13/818 Generally well preserved between conveyor and water race crossing, except for fallen trees, and erosion of cuttings; not reinspected in 2012 WGCL Incline tramway One section of tramway formation c.16m x 2-4m, with shallow drains at the sides running from N of Chappell’s shaft to a tunnel portal is a remnant of the incline tramway from New No. 1 shaft to the Silverton tramway; tunnel c.1.7m x 2m Only a short section has survived later works; tunnel portal partially collapsed; tunnel collapsed but accessible for c.5m.