Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 31 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan LINZ No. 8 shaft In northern part of LINZ land; open shaft, c.1.5m x 1.5m; no associated mullock dump Good condition, fenced off (not reinspected in 2012) LINZ No. 8 Drive Just N of conveyor tunnel; portal trench c.10m x 1.2-1.5m, opening to large flattish mullock dump with up to 4 tip heads; adit portal blocked by fallen material; adit may contain a reported original ore skip Partly collapsed portal trench and access to adit blocked; condition of adit and possible ore skip not known; mullock dump in good condition (2004 photo, not reinspected in 2012) LINZ Prospecting trenches (P1-P3) Small collapsed adits or prospecting trenches; P1 SW of No. 4 drive, 7m x 1m trench; P2 between No. 5 drive and No. 1 drive east, 4m x 1-.15m trench; P3 near No. 8 shaft, 3-4m x 1m. Poor (P2, photo 2004, not reinspected in 2012) WGCL Mascotte shaft Near northern boundary N of conveyor tunnel; c.3m x 2m open shaft with rails laid across it, open to a depth of c.3m; large mullock dump extending to NE; levelled platform cut into hill, c.15m x 10m, on E side, probably site of engine shed. (See Appendix A, Figure M) Partly collapsed; used as a rubbish pit in past; overgrown; fenced off, not reinspected in 2012 WGCL No. 7 drive In NE part of property N of conveyor tunnel; adit portal within an old orchard only apparent as small hole; no surviving portal trench or mullock dump, with shed built in location where it would be Infilled portal trench; area modified by earthworks; not reinspected in 2012