Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 30 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan LINZ No. 1 drive east NE of No. 5 drive; small partly open adit with c.10m x 1.5m portal trench; well defined mullock heap with abundant quartz Collapsed portal; mullock heap in good condition (2004 photo, not reinspected in 2012) LINZ No. 2 drive east NE of No. 1 drive east; partially collapsed portal trench c.12m x 1.5-2m; adit portal not visible; small mullock dump Poor condition; adit not visible or accessible (2004 photo, not reinspected in 2012) LINZ No. 6 drive NE of No. 2 drive east; portal trench c.10m x 1.5m; collapse around portal, but still open; no timbering; mullock dump c.12m x 1-4m extending from portal trench Partly collapsed portal trench; well preserved mullock dump (2004 photo, not reinspected in 2012 )