Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 29 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan LINZ No. 4 shaft Immediately NW of No.3 shaft; open shaft; surrounding area has been bulldozed. Fenced off; not inspected in 2012 LINZ No. 4 drive c.10m SE of No. 3 shaft; collapsed portal; portal trench not preserved; area levelled by MR; mullock dump c.11m x 1-3m with abundant quartz on S side of levelled area Portal collapsed and not accessible; mullock dump modified by MR but otherwise well preserved. Not reinspected in 2012 LINZ No. 5 shaft NW of No. 4 shaft; open shaft; no visible timbering Fenced off; not reinspected in 2012 LINZ No. 5 drive NE of No. 4 drive; adit open for some distance, with visible pick marks on walls and roof, and rails probably from MR period; portal timbered and wire mesh gate installed (by MR); portal trench 13m long by 1m wide, opening to large mullock dump Portal trench and mullock dump well preserved but some collapse around portal; portal timbering and wire mesh collapsing (2004 photo, not reinspected in 2012)