Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 28 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan WGCL /LINZ Amaranth adits SW of No. 3 drive, on LINZ/WGCL boundary; 2 adits c.12m apart connected by a cross-cut tunnel c.16m into W adit and c.24m into E adit; E adit re-timbered by MR; benched area up to 4m wide in front of the adits, probably a remnant of an old road, with inclined trench dug through it by MR, with timber bridge over trench Both adits in good condition; timbering of E adit in fair condition; MR’s timber bridge rotting and collapsing; wire mesh gate across entrance to E adit, and pile of loose rock in front, but still accessible (2004 photo, not reinspected in 2012) WGCL No. 2 drive SE of Chappell’s shaft near LINZ/WGCL boundary; portal re-timbered by MR; mullock dump c.15m x 12m forming flat area in front of portal, with shallow depression in N corner; small tip head and corrugated iron ore chute at NW end from MR period; shallow trench to S of tiphead Timber rotting and collapsing; adit blocked by rock fall c.34m in; ore chute rusting and only partly intact (2004 photo, not reinspected in 2012) WGCL No. 3 drive S of No. 2 drive, on LINZ/WGCL boundary; small open adit accessible for 6-8m; portal trench c.6m long by 1.5m wide; mullock dump at portal c.9m x 4m forming flat area with pile of quartz at N end Portal trench partly collapsed (2004 photo, not reinspected in 2012) LINZ No. 3 shaft Southernmost shaft on LINZ land; open shaft; small mullock dump c.6-7m x 1.52m extending from SE corner of shaft Fenced off; not reinspected in 2012