Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 27 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan c.5m x 4.5m (Pit 4) to c.20m x 15m (Pit 3); depths vary from c.1.5m to 8m. operations Other Remains on Union Hill LINZ/WGCL Rosemont shaft Located c.30m east of the 1885 Union shaft, consisting of 2 trench-like arms; possibly an air shaft Unknown; fenced off WGCL No. 1 drive and Bulls drive NE of Chappell’s shaft; two adits c.2m apart at the portals; both open; no timbering at either portal; Bulls drive c.25m long, 1m wide x 1.8m high with pick marks visible; No.1 drive smaller Loose rock blocking entrance to No. 1 drive; Bulls drive partly filled with mud (2004 photo) WGCL Chappell’s shaft S of No. 1 drive and Bulls drive, near middle vehicle track; open shaft c.2m x 1.5m; no visible timbering or surrounding foundations; possible collapsed adit upslope from shaft Open shaft; fenced off (2004 photo)