Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 26 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan WGCL New No. 1 shaft Shaft c.4.3m by 1.8m with 3 separate compartments – a 1.8m x 1.8m pumping compartment and two 1.8m x 1.1m winding shafts; associated concrete foundations with steel bolts spread over area c.13m by 11m for pump and pump engine, compressor, winding engine and winch; clutch rods and control pedals still in original position; remains of boiler house in a pile of brick/concrete/metal to W. Shaft recorded as 198-204m deep. (See Appendix A, Figure L) Shaft still open, but fenced off; some caving in of sides. Concrete foundations in good condition, but encroaching vegetation; visible and semiaccessible, partially fenced off and no obvious path access (2004 photo) WGCL Mullock dump at New No. 1 shaft Large mullock dump (waste rock from New No. 1 shaft) extending W to upper vehicle track and for some distance SW; several tipheads evident Accessible and visible on upper vehicle track behind Trio vent shaft WGCL 1885 Union shaft NE of New No. 1 shaft; c. 1.5m x 1m; depth unknown; no visible timbering. Fenced off; not reinspected in 2012 WGCL 1887 shaft Recorded c.30m north of Old No. 1 shaft, in area covered by later vat shed; no known remains Not known, assumed to be filled in prior to construction of vat shed WGCL Rosemont cross cut North of the conveyor near NE boundary; portal and W part of adit destroyed by earthworks for conveyor; shallow rubbish-filled portal trench survives, and mullock dump c.50 long with well defined pit head Partly destroyed by conveyor construction; obscured by soil and rubbish dumping; associated mullock dump in good condition WGCL Rosemont low level cross-cut Adit with portal originally located near Old No. 1 shaft; no visible evidence Unknown WGCL Open cuts A series of 5 open cuts or pits E of the ore kilns, N of 1885 Union shaft; numbered 15, upper to lower, in CP; 3 pits above upper track, 2 below; size varies from Pit sides collapsing (variable, with Pit 1 best preserved); overgrown. Stability being monitored during Trio mine