Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 25 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan WGCL Mineral Resources crusher foundations 1970s low concrete foundations S of conveyor near displaced strongroom; c.7m x 5m with outlying concrete pads (See Appendix A, Figure I) Stable condition, now overgrown with vegetation partially obscuring the structure. Visible and accessible (2004 photo) WGCL Refinery safe Concrete structure; c.5.5m by 2.5m, by c.5m high; with a flat roof and internal arched ceiling; doorway at E end and open arch at W end; concrete retaining wall perpendicular to S side. Associated with disturbed concrete foundations and a terrace/building platform nearby. Part of the 3rd (final) refinery. (See Appendix A, Figure J) Exterior in good condition, plaster on interior walls and ceiling cracked and falling away. Outer steel door missing. A large pine has fallen on structure and vegetation has encroached since 2004 so that it is no longer visible or accessible (2004 photo) WGCL Old No. 1 shaft 2.4m by 1.2m, braced with kauri timber and divided into 3 compartments, northern one containing a ladder; E structure is a timbered trough 4m x 0.6m, opening into a c.2.4m by 2m timber lined pit of unknown depth. Probably associated with a beam pumping engine; shaft recorded as 38m deep. (See Appendix A, Figures A and K) Timbers in reasonable condition, vegetation encroaching and obscuring visibility. Fenced off, not easily visible unless accessed from battery (2004 photo)