Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 24 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan WGCL Melt house safe Rectangular concrete structure located near the conveyor service gates, now largely buried; c.5m x 3m, at least 1m high, with doorway on northern side. Part of the 3rd (final) refinery. Good condition. Visible and accessible. (2012 photo) WGCL Smoke chamber Square concrete structure on northern side of conveyor, c.7.5m square by 4m high, with an internal brick wall, 4 external openings, an external flue and chimney base, and ground level vents above the flue. Part of the 3rd (final) refinery. (See Appendix A, Figure H) Cracking of concrete on two corners and around main opening, most internal brickwork removed. Large pine immediately adjacent may be cause of cracking. Currently fenced off, not visible or accessible (2012 photo) WGCL Displaced strongroom Concrete structure near conveyor and Strongroom, c.3m by 2.7m and 3.6m high, with curved roughly plastered roof. Moved from original position by MR and tipped on end as part of ramp for tipping ore into crusher. (See Appendix A, Figure I) Exterior in good condition, interior unknown. Vegetation growth on top of structure. Visible and accessible (2012 photo)