Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 23 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan WGCL Structure 1 and associated structures Substantial concrete structure c.15m east of the cyanide tanks, Almost square, nearly 4m by 4m, with 2.35m high inward sloping plinth and 0.18m thick cover; hollow in the centre; 2 rectangular and 1 arch openings on the sides; short wall on one side with square post slots c.90mm square. (See Appendix A, Figure F). Two smaller associated concrete foundations immediately to the north (c.1.2m x 3m and 0.84m x 2m) and east (c.3.4m x 1.2m). Part of the cyanide treatment plant. Stable condition but encroaching exotic and native vegetation. Potentially damaging vegetation on roof of structure. 5 tall pines nearby with potential to fall in the direction of the cyanide tanks or onto these structures. Accessible and partly visible (2004 photo) WGCL Structure 2 Concrete rectangular tank with iron-lined slots, 6-7m west of the cyanide tanks; c.6.5m by 4m, c.0.8m high, interior over 1m deep. Part of the cyanide treatment plant. (see Appendix A, Figure E) Stable condition, but infilled with soil and vegetation encroachment obscures visibility. Accessible. (2012 photo) WGCL Strongroom Concrete structure c.2.8m 3.8m by2.6m high; low arched roof; doorway at W end; 50cm thick walls; two internal rooms separated by steel door; plastered exterior except on SE wall; ‘Built AD 1898’ impressed in plaster at SE end. Reused by MR, who installed a concrete bench with steel cylinder embedded into it, and added a concrete floor in front and on SE side. (See Appendix A, Figure G) Stable condition, some cracking in exterior plaster, damage around doorway with reinforcing iron exposed, outer door missing. Some vegetation beginning to establish on roof. Visible and accessible (2012 photo)