Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 21 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan THE HERITAGE REMAINS, CONTINUED Table 2. Inventory of heritage remains Abbreviations: WGCL = Waihi Gold Company Ltd; CP = Conservation Plan; MR = Mineral Resources (NZ) Ltd Land owner Feature Description Photo Condition Remains within Union Hill (Waihi Battery) Historic Area scheduled in the Hauraki District Plan WGCL Battery foundations Masonry and concrete foundations for upper and lower stampers, tube mill, engine house, boiler house; on three levels, with timber, metal (machine bolts, 2 stamper dies, chassis of mine truck) and brick elements; concrete A frame structure, chute, stone breaker, tanks, and possible additional machine foundations; over an area of c.85mx45m. (See Appendix A, Figures A, B and C) Relatively stable condition, but facing stones missing on much of main wall, crack evident along face of tube mill floor, collapsed tube mill floor at southern end, collapsed masonry/foundations at engine house end. Encroaching exotic (pine, wattles) and native vegetation on the structures. In situ and displaced metal elements. Timber elements deteriorating. Boiler room floor covered by tailings and bulldozed material. Visible and semi-accessible, with dangerous areas (concrete tanks) fenced off. Stability of masonry wall being monitored during Trio mine operations (2004 photo at top; 2012 photos below)