Supporting Technical Assessments

Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 61 noise such as generator noise. The ecological value of the lizard communities is High and the level of effect of noise is Low. Bat Populations The magnitude of effect of noise associated with ventilation fans on bats is Negligible given the ability of bats to avoid a localised unsuitable noise environment (and the large extent of unaffected forest available within the boundaries of Coromandel Forest Park). The ecological value of the bat communities is Very Low and the level of effect of noise is Very Low. Bird Populations The magnitude of effect of noise associated with ventilation fans on birds is Negligible given the ability of birds to avoid a localised unsuitable noise environment (and the large extent of unaffected forest available within the boundaries of Coromandel Forest Park). The ecological value of the bird communities is High and the level of effect of noise is Low. . Effects management No specific noise management is proposed to address the effect of ventilation fan noise on fauna. We understand that best practise noise reduction designs are in place to reduce noise associated with vents, including location of the fans themselves at the bottom of the shaft, rather than near the top. The area surrounding the vent shaft will be surrounded by a wildlife exclusion fence to prevent animals occupying the area immediately next to the vent where any noise impact would be most severe