Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 11 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan INTRODUCTION, CONTINUED Relationship to Conservation Plan A Conservation Plan for Union Hill, Waihi was prepared for WGCL and Vision Waihi Trust by Phillip Moore, Eric Lens and Ruth Ordish in November 2009, and amended in June 2010. The plan covers the whole of the Union Hill historic landscape, including the land managed by LINZ, DOC and HDC, but excludes the Keatley property subsequently acquired by WGCL (Figure 1). The conservation plan is a not a statutory plan. The conservation plan has the objectives of ‘protecting and preserving all significant historic sites and features in the area; retaining the “character” of the place; removing immediate threats (to the remains); promoting improved public access and appreciation of the historic heritage; promoting opportunities for community involvement in conservation and research; and ensuring future development of the place is compatible with its cultural heritage significance’. The plan includes a number of policies and recommendations aimed at achieving these objectives. Key recommendations of the plan (p. 121) are:  the preparation of a management plan for the entire area, ‘to ensure appropriate care and protection of historic remains, proper vegetation management, and the implementation of a regular maintenance programme’ (1.1); and  the establishment of a management group ‘to oversee the implementation of both the conservation plan and management plan. This should consist of representatives from at least the main stakeholders (Newmont, LINZ, DOC, HPT [now Heritage NZ], Waihi Walkways)’ (1.2). To date no formal management group has been set up to develop a collective management plan for the whole area, and this management plan commissioned by WGCL has therefore been developed primarily to guide management of the heritage remains on its own land. This is considered a priority as the ‘Union Hill (Waihi Battery) Historic Area’ scheduled on the Hauraki District Plan is entirely contained within the main land block owned by WGCL, and it is this area which contains the most significant and extensive heritage remains. However, many of the general heritage procedures outlined are applicable to heritage remains elsewhere on Union Hill, and this plan can be reviewed and extended in scope in the future if a formal management group is established. This management plan aims to be broadly consistent with the policies of the Conservation Plan. It includes a historical summary and an inventory of heritage features, but does not repeat the detailed history, description and significance assessment of the heritage remains contained in the Conservation Plan.