Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 10 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan INTRODUCTION, CONTINUED Statutory Requirements, continued An archaeological site is defined by the HNZPTA s. 6 as: ‘(a) any place in New Zealand, including any building or structure (or part of a building or structure) that – (i) was associated with human activity that occurred before 1900 or is the site of the wreck of any vessel where the wreck occurred before 1900; and (ii) provides or may provide, through investigation by archaeological methods, evidence relating to the history of New Zealand; and (b) includes a site for which a declaration is made under section 43(1)’[under this section a place post-dating 1900 may be formally declared by Heritage NZ to be an archaeological site] Any works undertaken on Union Hill that have the potential to impact on known features or subsurface deposits relating to 19th century mining, ore processing and refining require an Authority from Heritage NZ before those works can be carried out. Known pre-1900 features include the battery, ore kilns and most of the shafts and adits. The cyanide tanks have been listed by Heritage NZ as a Category 1 Historic Place under the HNZPTA (no. 135), and consultation with Heritage NZ should be undertaken in relation to any conservation or other works affecting the heritage feature. Authority No. 2012/512 An Authority was issued to WGCL (as Newmont Waihi Gold) by the NZHPT (now Heritage NZ) in December 2011 to carry out earthworks and site modifications to install vibration monitoring sensors on the cyanide tanks and ore kilns. The work has been completed. Authority No. 2012/542 An authority was issued by the NZHPT (now Heritage NZ) in January 2012 (with the consent of WGCL) to Brigid Gallagher to allow archaeological investigations at the battery site to provide information to assist in the walkway construction. The investigations have now been completed. Continued on next page