Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 9 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan INTRODUCTION, CONTINUED Statutory Requirements, continued  A review of the Heritage Items Monitoring Plan following baseline monitoring, submission of the plan for review to the NZHPT (now Heritage NZ), and then to the Manager – Planning and Environmental Services for approval, with any further reviews following the same process (#21). A baseline monitoring plan was prepared by WGCL in November 2011. A baseline photographic condition survey of the scheduled cyanide tanks and ore kilns was carried out in June 2011. Monitoring involves both visual inspection/photographs of identified reference points and the installation of extensometers. It was carried out monthly prior to the start of production blasting and is being carried out weekly thereafter, with monthly review of information from accelerometers and extensometers fitted to the cyanide tanks. In addition to the consent requirements, the plan also provides for the monitoring of an area of open cut mines, and the masonry walls of the battery (see heritage inventory in Table 2, below, for a list of heritage features). Walkways Consent (RC 202.2012.00000109.001) Resource consent for the construction of a track and fence, earthworks and the erection of signage within the scheduled Historic Area was issued in December 2012, subject to conditions which include (in summary):  The work must be carried out in accordance with the Authority issued by the NZHPT (now Heritage NZ) (#2).  All earthworks must be undertaken by hand methods unless otherwise approved by the on-site archaeologist (#3).  If non-European archaeological items are discovered, works must be halted in the vicinity and the Council contacted immediately (#4). Stage 1 of the consented walkways construction has been completed. Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 (HNZPTA) In addition to any requirements under the RMA 1991, the HNZPTA 2014 protects all archaeological sites whether recorded or not, and they may not be damaged or destroyed unless an Authority to modify an archaeological site has been issued by Heritage NZ. Continued on next page