Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 8 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan INTRODUCTION, CONTINUED Statutory Requirements, continued Repair, alteration or demolition of a Category A or B heritage feature and/or any associated or ancillary heritage feature relating to them, or within a Category A or B heritage area, is only permitted where there is an immediate danger to life or potential excessive damage to adjacent property, as certified in each case by a registered structural engineer, and a suitably qualified and experienced conservation architect ( Development, removal or demolition of a Category C heritage item is permitted ( subject to notification and recording as set out in Activities such as lighting and fencing that will reduce danger to a heritage feature or person are also permitted ( The demolition (in whole or part) of a Category A heritage feature (the cyanide tanks) is a non-complying activity (, except where there is an immediate danger to life or property as specified in All other activities affecting Category A or B heritage features or within the Union Hill (Waihi Battery) Historic Area are either restricted discretionary or discretionary activities requiring resource consent (, This includes any repairs and alterations, even if carried out for conservation purposes, as well as the construction of any new building or structure and the installation of new signage. HDC Trio Mine Consents (RC15774) The Consent Order issued in August 2011 contains conditions requiring stability monitoring of the scheduled cyanide tanks and ore kilns, to determine whether the Trio mining operations are affecting the stability of the structures. The conditions require (in summary):  Stopping works and notifying the appropriate bodies if features of archaeological, historical or cultural significance are discovered (#17).  Taking all reasonable measures to ensure that the operation of the Trio Underground Mine does not adversely impact on the heritage items identified in the Hauraki District Plan (#18).  Preparation of a Heritage Items Monitoring Plan to be approved by the Manager – Planning and Environmental Services, which must include a methodology for a condition survey of the cyanide tanks and ore kilns (#19a), a methodology for ongoing monitoring of the structures, and requirements for reports to Council (#19).  Three months of baseline monitoring relating to the impact of vibrations on the heritage items located on the surface of Union Hill (#20). Continued on next page