Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 7 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan INTRODUCTION, CONTINUED Statutory Requirements Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) Section 6 of the RMA 1991 recognises as matters of national importance: ‘the relationship of Maori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, waahi tapu, and other taonga’ (S6(e)); and ‘the protection of historic heritage from inappropriate subdivision, use, and development’ (S6(f)). All persons exercising functions and powers under the RMA are required under Section 6 to recognise and provide for these matters of national importance when ‘managing the use, development and protection of natural and physical resources’. Historic heritage is defined (S2) as ‘those natural and physical resources that contribute to an understanding and appreciation of New Zealand’s history and cultures, deriving from any of the following qualities: (i) archaeological; (ii) architectural; (iii) cultural; (iv) historic; (v) scientific; (vi) technological’. Historic heritage includes: ‘(i) historic sites, structures, places, and areas; (ii) archaeological sites; (iii) sites of significance to Maori, including wahi tapu; (iv) surroundings associated with the natural and physical resources’. The HDC Hauraki District Plan prepared under the RMA includes a number of heritage protection provisions relevant to the management of Union Hill. Resource consents granted for the Trio Underground Mine conditions also include a number of relevant conditions. HDC Hauraki District Plan The Hauraki District Plan identifies a scheduled heritage area (Figure 1) and three individually scheduled heritage features on Union Hill:  Union Hill (Waihi Battery) Historic Area – Category B heritage area HAU 247  Union Hill Cyanide Tanks, Waihi – Category A heritage feature HAU003  Union Hill Ore Kilns, Waihi – Category B heritage feature HAU113  Union Battery Tramway [Silverton Tramway] – Category C heritage item HAU249 Under the plan provisions, it is a permitted activity to undertake minor works to Category A or B heritage features (the cyanide tanks and ore kilns) and any associated or ancillary heritage features relating to them, or within a Category A or B heritage area ( and (b)). Minor works are defined in Section 4 and include: cleaning or washing with materials/techniques not detrimental to the heritage fabric; general maintenance and/or minor repair (which is further defined); repair and revarnishing of surfaces, and the application of other, similar finishes; and activities that have an insignificant effect on the heritage fabric of the item (with examples provided). Continued on next page