Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 4 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan INTRODUCTION, CONTINUED Land Status and Scope of Plan, continued WGCL also owns a smaller (1.9687 ha) block in the northeastern part of Union Hill (Sec. 224 Blk XVI Ohinemuri SD), and two properties to the south: Pt Sec 211 Blk XVI Ohinemuri SD (2.3849 ha) and Lot 2 DPS 63204 (0.0179 ha). The last two properties previously made up the Keatley block and were acquired in 2012. WGCL also owns numerous other property in the wider area surrounding Union Hill. The heritage remains that make up the heritage landscape of Union Hill extend beyond both the scheduled Historic Area and the boundaries of the main land block owned by WGCL. Figure 1. Plan of Union Hill showing current land ownership, and the extent of the Union Hill (Waihi Battery) Historic Area defined in the HDC Proposed Hauraki District Plan (hatched) (provided by WGCL) Continued on next page Pt Sec. 356 Blk XVI Ohinemuri SD Pt Sec 211 Blk XVI Ohinemuri SD Sect 3 SO 60574 Sec. 224 Blk XVI Ohinemuri SD Lot 2 DPS 63204