Supporting Technical Assessments

Clough & Associates Ltd. Page 3 Union Hill Heritage Management Plan INTRODUCTION Purpose Union Hill is a significant heritage site containing the remains of 19th and early 20th century mining, ore processing and refining activities. The most significant industrial remains are located within land owned by Waihi Gold Company Ltd (WGCL). Following a recommendation in an earlier conservation plan for the area, WGCL (formerly as Newmont Waihi Gold) has chosen to voluntarily fund the development of this management plan. While the area is of fundamental importance to WGCL due to the location of the overland conveyor, Trio Ventilation Shaft and the Trio Underground Mine, it is recognised that a number of stakeholders have an interest in Union Hill and the area holds considerable potential for tourism, both in the short and long term, with the heritage features being fundamental to the overall visitor experience. This management plan provides guidance for the long term management of the heritage remains within WGCL’s property at Union Hill. It outlines heritage management guidelines and procedures relating to:  the planning and undertaking of any new works related to mining;  the potential effects of the Trio underground mining operation;  maintenance and conservation of the heritage remains;  visitor use and amenities; and  research. This is not a statutory management plan and does not require WGCL to carry out or fund any of the maintenance or recommended conservation works detailed in the plan. WGCL is one group among various interested stakeholders and believes that the best way to move forward is to establish a management group to oversee the implementation of this management plan. This would enable any proposed works to be agreed and prioritised, and to have the various stakeholders either lead or take an active part in their implementation. The extent to which those works can be implemented will depend on the availability of resources, and it is noted that funding for such work is available from various external sources. Land Status and Scope of Plan The area addressed in this management plan is the land owned by WGCL shown in Figure 1. It largely comprises Pt Sec. 356 Blk XVI Ohinemuri SD covering 11.33 ha. The majority of the heritage features on Union Hill are located within this land block, the northern part of which has been scheduled in the Hauraki District Council (HDC) Hauraki District Plan as the ‘Union Hill (Waihi Battery) Historic Area’ (Category B, HAU247). Continued on next page