Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 57 (but arguably Low if cleared sites are reused). The level of effect of vegetation clearance is Moderate (but Very Low if cleared sites are reused). Fauna Communities Site selection will account for the presence of native fauna with the objective of minimising ecological impacts, by choosing sites that are not occupied by notable fauna species34, and moving habitat elements (e.g. rotting logs) outside of the clearance footprint. As such, the temporary loss of habitat for fauna species (invertebrates, lizards, frogs and birds) in the vent raise footprint for the duration of mining is small. The magnitude of effect is Negligible if sites that are selected are not occupied by notable fauna species. The ecological value of the potential fauna communities is Low - Very High35 and the level of effect is Very Low. 6.4.3 Effects of Construction and Helicopter Noise on Fauna Noise associated with the construction of vent shafts on the surface (i.e. surface break through, and the pouring of foundation slabs and mounting of the evasées) and supporting helicopter activity is described in the Noise Assessment (Marshall Day, 2021). We note that the construction period will be of short duration (1 month per vent shaft for a maximum of four shafts, constructed consecutively as required by underground mine development). Noise levels 34 We note fauna species may be present in low numbers, but not detected. Whilst repeated surveys will reduce the likelihood of this occurring, the cryptic behaviour of some species means that not all individuals may be detected within a vent footprint. The proposed consent conditions provide for this outcome. 35 Bats were assessed as having Low ecological value, as they have not been detected in the forest; lizard, invertebrate and native frog communities were assessed as having High ecological value. Effects management Proposed management actions to mitigate and offset clearance of native forest includes: • Vegetation and habitat loss for the duration of mining in the vent raise footprint comprises 600 m2 (0.0576 ha) for four vent raises. Revegetation of a total of 4.15 ha on the north east ridge of Willows Road Farm (Vegetation Area 3) is proposed, which will connect an existing remnant bush fragment occupied by Hochstetter’s frog and Coromandel Forest Park. This area will also be fenced to exclude stock and pigs and subject to pest control (rodents, possums and mustelids). • In addition to providing a direct replacement for the loss of forest extent (by area, this amounts to a 1:72 ratio of vegetation loss to replanting), the proposed offset will restore forest interior habitat, improve connectivity of forest patches on the periphery of the park, buffer and extend the forest margin, and improve the viability of threatened species populations known to be present in these areas. We consider that these benefits balance the loss of mature, interior secondary forest vegetation and habitat in the short to medium term, and provides a positive and substantial ‘net gain’ overall. • Remediation of vent raise areas will be undertaken following mine closure.