Supporting Technical Assessments

Boffa Miskell Ltd | Waihi North Project | Terrestrial Ecology Values and Effects of the WUG | 22 June 2022 55 6.3.5 Effects Associated with Services Trench Construction A buried services trench connecting the Willows Road Farm to the existing Waihi Plant will carry power, fibre optic cables and treated / potable and recycled water. The route follows Willows Rd. Corridor to SH25, west of SH25 to west of Ohinemuri Bridge then overland to the Processing Plant, predominantly on OGNZL-owned land. The ecological value of the land within the trench footprint was assessed as Low, being predominantly road verge and grazed pasture. Vegetation comprises exotic species including grey willow, poplar and barberry with mixed pasture grasses. Vegetation clearance will be minimal as the trench is narrow (2.5 m maximum width). The trench will be microsited to avoid locating near to or impacting any induced wetland areas. The magnitude of effect of vegetation clearance and land disturbance required to construct the Services Trench and install services is assessed as Negligible, as the vegetation in this area is primarily pasture, road verge, or otherwise disturbed. The ecological value of the vegetation is Negligible and therefore the level of effect of vegetation clearance and land disturbance is assessed as Very Low. 6.4 Coromandel Forest Park: Potential Localised Effects 6.4.1 Approach This section describes those potential effects that have a known (small) zone of influence relative to the wider forest (Figure 10, Figure 11). The potential effects described below include vegetation clearance, construction of the vent raises and the consequent habitat loss for the duration of mining; the noise associated with vent raise construction (including helicopter support); water and air discharges from the vent raises; and continuous noise from the vent raises for the duration of mining. Effects management Site management to minimise dust includes water spray trucks and reseeding the topsoil stockpile. Construction will not be undertaken in unfavourable wind conditions. Effects management Effects management for construction of the Services Trench will include regressing the disturbed area to reduce the potential for dust and/or sediment runoff.