Supporting Technical Assessments

94 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment • Include accidental discovery protocols, as a condition of resource consent, advising OGNZL of their obligations under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 with regards to archaeology. • The recorded archaeological site Queen of Waihi Shaft (T13/971) will not be affected by the proposed works but will require infilling and capping. It is considered a low possible that unidentified subsurface archaeological remains may be exposed during development. • If any land use activity associated with NRS is likely to damage, modify or destroy any pre-1900 archaeological site (whether recorded or unrecorded), an Authority from Heritage New Zealand must be obtained for the work to lawfully proceed. General Recommendations • Adoption by OGNZL of the Proposed Specific Mitigation Measures for the mitigation of effects of historic heritage values as a result of the WNP. • Any consent granted should, as a condition of resource consent, include accidental discovery protocols and an advice note advising OGNZL of their obligations under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 with regards to archaeology. • Since the proposal may involve the destruction of archaeological remains an Authority must be applied for under Section 44(a) of the HNZPTA and granted by Heritage NZ prior to the start of any works that will affect the building or could impact on pre-1900 subsurface remains. (Note that this is a legal requirement). • The Authority should include all earthworks within the WNP area as a precaution so that potential delays can be avoided should other sites be exposed. • Detailed recommendations for archaeological investigation and recording should be set out in the Archaeological Management Plan (AMP) that will accompany an application for an Authority to modify an archaeological site. • Any archaeological remains exposed during Project works should be archaeologically investigated and recorded in accordance with the conditions of an Authority from Heritage NZ, and the construction management plan should allow sufficient time for the investigation and recording of any remains that may be exposed. • The conditions of the authority should include remote investigation and research using modern survey techniques to recover information about the underground mining workings. • In the event of koiwi tangata (human remains) being uncovered, work should cease immediately in the vicinity of the remains and tangata whenua, Heritage NZ, the NZ Police and Hauraki District Council should be contacted so that appropriate arrangements can be made. • Since archaeological survey cannot always detect sites of traditional significance to Maori, such as wahi tapu, tangata whenua should be consulted regarding the possible existence of such sites in the area.