Supporting Technical Assessments

93 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment archaeological Authority will be applied for to cover the entire Gladstone Open Pit project before any work can be carried out that may affect these sites. The conditions of the authority are likely to include the archaeological recording/investigation of any remains affected (Note that this is a legal requirement). • Due to the possibility that other pre-1900 archaeological remains may be exposed during earthworks, the Heritage New Zealand Authority application should include any additional sites that may be discovered within the entire Project area. This is a precaution to reduce potential delays should any archaeological remains be exposed during construction. • A harvesting plan should be developed as part of the Heritage NZ Authority application to avoid or minimise any effects on the Low Level Water Race (T13/817) around the southern extent of Winner Hill. • A general condition of any resource consent relating to the accidental discovery of archaeological remains should be included, requiring that if any archaeological remains are exposed during development, work should cease in the immediate vicinity and Hauraki District Council and Heritage NZ should be informed. TSF3 • No resource consents will be required for historic heritage as no scheduled historic heritage items are affected by the proposal. • Include accidental discovery protocols, as a condition of resource consent, advising OGNZL of their obligations under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 with regards to archaeology. • To avoid any delays should unidentified subsurface features be exposed by the proposed works, consideration could be given to applying for an authority under Section 44(a) of the HNZPTA to cover all works undertaken for TSF3, as a precaution. This should be obtained before any earthworks are carried out. The conditions of the authority are likely to include archaeological monitoring of preliminary earthworks, and procedures for recording any archaeological evidence before it is modified or destroyed. This approach would have the advantage of allowing any archaeology uncovered during the development of the property to be dealt with immediately, avoiding delays while an Authority is applied for and processed. • If an authority is not obtained and any land use activity associated with TSF3 is likely to damage, modify or destroy any pre-1900 archaeological site (whether recorded or unrecorded), an Authority from Heritage New Zealand must be obtained for the work to lawfully proceed. NRS • No resource consents will be required for historic heritage as no scheduled historic heritage items are affected by the proposal.