Supporting Technical Assessments

92 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment RECOMMENDATIONS WUG • No resource consents will be required for historic heritage as no scheduled historic heritage items are affected by the proposal. • An Authority should be applied for under Section 44(a) of the HNZPTA and granted by Heritage NZ before any work associated with proposed WUG can be carried out that may affect the site T13/961 Mataura Water Race. (Note that this is a legal requirement). • Due to the possibility, although limited, that other pre-1900 archaeological remains may be exposed during earthworks, the Heritage New Zealand Authority application should include any additional sites that may be discovered within the entire Project area. This is a precaution to reduce potential delays should any archaeological remains be exposed during construction. • Include accidental discovery protocols, as a condition of resource consent, advising OGNZL of their obligations under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 with regards to archaeology. • Protection measures should be put in place so that additional archaeological remains/features associated with T13/961 and the locations and extents of the recorded archaeological sites T13/962 Willows Timber Tramway and T13/963 High Level Walmsley Tramway are not inadvertently impacted upon elsewhere. For example, their locations marked on development plans and temporary fencing installed around the sites during construction works; • Should any surface structures or ground disturbing works be proposed at the WUG ore body as part of this project and in close proximity to the site T12/681 Royal Standard Battery and goldmining complex – Wharekirauponga, the effects of these activities on this site would need to be assessed. Services Trench • No resource consents will be required for historic heritage as no scheduled historic heritage items are affected by the proposal. • As the proposed development will affect recorded archaeological site T13/817 a general Heritage NZ archaeological Authority will be applied for before any work can be carried out that may affect this site. The conditions of the authority are likely to include the archaeological recording/investigation of any remains affected (Note that this is a legal requirement). GOP • No resource consents will be required for historic heritage as no scheduled historic heritage items are affected by the proposal. • As the proposed development will affect recorded archaeological sites T13/820, T13/821 and T13/817 and there is the potential for previously unrecorded subsurface pre-1900 remains to be uncovered, a general Heritage NZ