Supporting Technical Assessments

90 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment The Royal Standard Battery site and associated mining remains (T12/681) located at the WUG source is scheduled on the HDP – Royal Standard Battery, Wharekirauponga HAU271 Category B – Heritage Area, Regional or Sub-Regional Significance (see Appendix.1). A number of surface drilling rigs and a camp have previously been erected at the WUG orebody within the scheduled heritage area and around and in close proximity to historic remains associated with T112/681. According to plans and advice by OceanaGold these structures were positioned away from known heritage features. While the Project will utilise the amenities at these sites, no further surface disturbance will be required. Therefore this area has not been inspected by the author. Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 Requirements In addition to any requirements under the RMA, the HNZPTA protects all archaeological sites whether recorded or not, and they may not be damaged or destroyed unless an Authority to modify an archaeological site has been issued by Heritage NZ (Section 42). An archaeological site is defined by the HNZPTA Section 6 as follows: ‘archaeological site means, subject to section 42(3), – (a) any place in New Zealand, including any building or structure (or part of a building or structure) that – (i) was associated with human activity that occurred before 1900 or is the site of the wreck of any vessel where the wreck occurred before 1900; and (ii) provides or may provide, through investigation by archaeological methods, evidence relating to the history of New Zealand; and (b) includes a site for which a declaration is made under section 43(1).’ Under Section 42(3) an Authority is not required to permit work on a pre-1900 building unless the building is to be demolished. Under Section 43(1) a place post-dating 1900 (including the site of a wreck that occurred after 1900) that could provide ‘significant evidence relating to the historical and cultural heritage of New Zealand’ can be declared by Heritage NZ to be an archaeological site. Authorities to modify archaeological sites can be applied for either in respect to archaeological sites within a specified area of land (Section 44(a)), or to modify a specific archaeological site where the effects will be no more than minor (Section 44(b)), or for the purpose of conducting a scientific investigation (Section 44(c)). Applications that relate to sites of Maori interest require consultation with (and in the case of scientific investigations the consent of) the appropriate iwi or hapu and are subject to the recommendations of the Maori Heritage Council of Heritage NZ. In addition, an application may be made to carry out an exploratory investigation of any site or locality under Section 56, to confirm the presence, extent and nature of a site or suspected site. Under Section 52 of the Act, Heritage NZ may impose an Authority condition requiring that an archaeological investigation is carried out, if this is ‘likely to provide significant information in relation to the historical and cultural heritage of New Zealand’. This provision allows the information contained within a site affected by development (and any