Supporting Technical Assessments

88 Oct 2021 OceanaGold WNP Project, Waihi - Archaeological / Heritage Assessment (l) The costs and technical feasibility of remediation and restoration. (m) In relation to an application for alteration or addition to a Heritage Building not in conformity with the zone development standards and/or the District wide performance standards: (i) whether conformity with the zone development standards would change the intrinsic value and character of the Heritage Building; (ii) whether the purpose of the addition or alteration is to accommodate an activity that will positively encourage the protection and preservation of the Heritage Building. (n) In relation to an application for the removal and relocation of a Heritage Feature: (i) The appropriateness of the proposed site, where relocation is proposed. (ii) The ability of the feature to withstand relocation from a structural perspective. (iii) The importance (if any) of the land or street setting surrounding the Heritage Feature in its present location. (iv) The extent to which the historical, cultural and community associations with the building will be reduced by the relocation. Place/ Zone specific provisions In addition to the objectives and policies above, there are a number of place or zone specific policies within the HDP which are also relevant to historic heritage. Waihi Objective 1 seeks ‘To enable the people and community of Waihi to provide for its service town role to the surrounding rural area, as well as its role in the mining and tourist industries, at the same time as maintaining an attractive residential environment’ (5.6.4). Objective 1 will be achieved by implementation of the following policies (a): ‘(ii) Recognise the significance of mining and the ongoing associated developments to the social and economic wellbeing of the residents of Waihi, subject to maintaining the amenity values of Waihi. (iii) Recognise and protect the Goldfields Steam Train complex, protect buildings and sites for their historic importance, and seek to retain and enhance other heritage features (eg. group of historic "Miners Cottages").’ Waihi Objective 2 seeks “To enable and encourage development that responds to and enhances the distinctive natural and built character of Waihi” (5.6.4). Objective 2 will be achieved by implementation of the following policies (a): (i) Enhance the mainstreet historic mining character of the central area in respect of the form, scale, bulk, location, heritage and architecture of buildings and infrastructure. (ii) Respect the existing townscape character of Waihi (street layout, existing residential character, cottages) in new development and encourage visual and physical linkages to local features such as the Pumphouse, Waitete Stream, Ohinemuri River, and hills of the Coromandel Range (to the north of Waihi).